Meet the Association

Certified to Change the World

Making a difference

About the Association

The Association of Certified Nonprofit Professionals is a group for all graduates of the Nonprofit Leadership Alliance (formerly the American Humanics) program. The purpose of the Association of CNPs is to support the programs, operations, and future development of the Nonprofit Leadership Alliance and Certified Nonprofit Professionals. Anyone who graduated with the Certified Nonprofit Professional (CNP) credential is a member of the Association of CNPs.

Keep us in the loop!

Update Your Contact Information

We know that life happens fast, and we want to stay in touch. If you’ve landed a new role, moved to a new city, or created a new email address, please share it with us.

Group of young professionals smiling at an in person nonprofit training conference
Two nonprofit professionals smiling together at a nonprofit management conference

Once you’re a CNP, take advantage of the benefits offered by the Association:

Have questions about CNP benefits? Let us know!

Not a CNP? Learn more about our program offerings here.

The digital CNP credential (the CNP is a durable credential without annual fees or mandatory continuing education credits)

Access to career development tools and nonprofit job board

Free attendance at networking events

Free ongoing professional development resources like webinars in areas like fundraising, program design, and nonprofit marketing

Inclusion in the CNP LinkedIn group

Volunteer opportunities like serving on an Association of CNPs committee, serving as a mentor or writing for the Alliance blog.

Access to CNP Central, the online community for CNPs and aspiring CNPs

Lifelong membership in a nonprofit professional community of social impact leaders!

CNP Central

What to Expect

CNP Central is your online community to connect with fellow Certified Nonprofit Professionals (CNPs), access nonprofit resources and build a CNP network that will make an impact. All this and more is available to you! As a CNP, we sent an invitation with login instructions directly to your inbox — didn’t receive it, let us know!

number 1Career L!FT — Your new headquarters for thriving in your nonprofit career. You’ll be able to hone your employability skills, learn about career opportunities and access job resources.

number 2Mentor Match — Connect with and share your nonprofit expertise with aspiring CNPs.

number 3Peer-to-Peer Discussions — Share news, brainstorm ideas and vet possible solutions with CNP leaders from around the country.

number 4Nonprofit Blog — Hear from fellow CNPs as they share their knowledge, insights and practical advice. Have something on your mind? You’re invited to contribute to this national blog.

number 5Volunteer — The Association of CNPs is busy creating new programming and engagement opportunities. You’re invited to take part in volunteer opportunities.

number 6Events — Educational webinars, networking events, and CNP-specific programming will be highlighted on CNP Central. We can’t wait to see you at the next event.

A group of Certified Nonprofit Professionals at an event

Meet the Association of CNPs Executive Committee

The Executive Committee provides critical leadership for the Association.

Association of CNPs Executive Committee