H. Roe Bartle Training Award
The Boy Scouts of America was the founding nonprofit partner of the Nonprofit Leadership Alliance
H. Roe Bartle Training Award
The Boy Scouts of America was the founding nonprofit partner of the Nonprofit Leadership Alliance
A mission 70 years in the making
What is the Nonprofit Leadership Alliance (formerly American Humanics)?
Founded in 1948 by Kansas City Area Council, BSA Scout Executive, H. Roe Bartle, the Nonprofit Leadership Alliance (formerly American Humanics) is a national alliance of colleges, universities, nonprofit organizations and professionals dedicated to strengthening the nonprofit sector. The Alliance administers the Certified Nonprofit Professional (CNP) credential, the only nationally recognized credential in nonprofit management that provides learning and real world experience. Our program means you will perform better in your job and be seven times (7x) more likely to be a leader where you work.
Changing the world together
Boy Scouts of America and Alliance Partnership
Becoming a CNP through the Nonprofit Leadership Alliance is the most direct route to preparing for and having a successful career as a professional Scouter with the Boy Scouts of America! The curriculum is specifically designed to give students a well-rounded education in nonprofit leadership and management with the intent of becoming employed in one of the national nonprofit partners, such as the Boy Scouts of America. Earn your CNP today!
Note: All American Humanics certified alums have been grandfathered in as CNP’s with the Nonprofit Leadership Alliance.
Making a difference
What is the H. Roe Bartle Training Award?
This award recognizes those volunteer and professional Scouters who have earned the CNP and applied that training significantly to their volunteer or professional work with the Boy Scouts of America.
The award aims to promote the career path of professional Scouting and recognize the need for professional preparation in nonprofit organization management and leadership via higher education. It also promotes the Alliance to Scouting’s youth to increase enrollment in affiliated campus programs, which in turn would enlarge the pool of CNP’s to fill vacancies as District Executives.
Finally, the award amplifies the Alliance to Scouting’s adult volunteers who might consider a mid-career career change from the private or public sectors to professional Scouting (i.e., sector-switching) on their own volition or out of necessity, because of the economy and loss of employment, which in turn would also enlarge the pool of Alliance certified alumni to fill vacancies as District Executives through post-baccalaureate certification processes.
The Nonprofit Leadership Alliance H. Roe Bartle Training Award is one of a number of paths to the BSA Community Organization Award. Awardees are entitled to wear the gold and purple square knot on their BSA Scouter’s uniform. A certificate and device (small Nonprofit Leadership Alliance logo pin) will be awarded by the Nonprofit Leadership Alliance upon completion of the award. The device should be pinned in the center of the BSA Community Organization Award square knot. The award recipient will be responsible for taking their Nonprofit Leadership Alliance H. Roe Bartle Training Award Certificate to their local Scout Shop as evidence, so that they may purchase the BSA Community Organization square knot award.
The Nonprofit Leadership Alliance H. Roe Bartle Training Award can be presented simultaneously with the CNP certification during or near commencement exercises at a student’s college or university; or at the Nonprofit Leadership Alliance Management/Leadership Institute (AMI); or at an appropriate Scouting venue.
To apply for the award, please contact the Alliance, CNPcredential@nla1.org.
Volunteer Scouters
The H. Roe Bartle Training Award will be granted to registered volunteer Scouters who have been certified as a CNP and who have completed the following five requirements:
Professional Scouters
The Nonprofit Leadership Alliance H. Roe Bartle Training Award will be awarded to registered professional Scouters who have been certified as a Certified Nonprofit Professional (CNP) by the Nonprofit Leadership Alliance (formerly American Humanics, Inc.) and who have completed the following four requirements: