Written by Katie Rossman, MPA, CNP
Reading Time: 2 minutes
Congratulations, you are a CNP! You just earned the Certified Nonprofit Professional (CNP) credential and now you must be wondering “How does the CNP credential make me more employable?” or “How do I get employers to understand what the CNP is?”. These, plus many others, were questions I was considering myself when I earned my CNP in 2017 from Wright State University. As participants in the program we know that the CNP is the ONLY nationally-recognized nonprofit management credential in the U.S. So, how do you describe the CNP to potential employers?
Tips to Sell Yourself on Your Resume and LinkedIn
- Put CNP after your name — Place “CNP” after your name everywhere (resume, Linkedin, etc). For an example, check out my LinkedIn profile. Additional Tip: Add the CNP digital badge to your LinkedIn profile under the Licenses and certifications section.
- On your resume, don’t just list the CNP Program. Hiring managers want to understand what competencies you have (fundraising, volunteer management, program development, etc.).
- Sell yourself and the credential. Much of this comes during the interview process. Start a conversation on what those three letters mean. Talk about how the credential helped you find your passion for the nonprofit sector. Or describe a project that you worked on or a course you took to earn your CNP (Remember the 10 core competencies?).
Tips to Sell Yourself During an Interview
When you’re talking about the CNP with potential employers, here are some talking points for your elevator speech:
- The CNP is the only nationally recognized credential for nonprofit management and leadership in the nonprofit sector
- The Alliance is a network of Universities and national nonprofits that have prepared you for a career in the nonprofit sector
- Remember the mission of the Alliance. To strengthen the social sector with a talented and prepared workforce
These small bits of information will make you stand out to employers and make them want to learn more about the CNP. The CNP has put you on a path towards success in whatever role you apply for, so don’t hesitate to talk about it.
Not a CNP, but interested in learning more about the Alliance’s programs? Click here.